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Tuesday 20 November 2012

Believe It Or Not: Six pack abs

Hello readers, welcome to our Believe It Or Not series: #1 Six Pack Abs

I'm sure many of you have heard that in order to have six pack abs, you HAVE to do crunches/sit ups to lose the fat and build the abdominal muscle, so that it has more definition to it.

 All of this are just so wrong, in fact if you just lose the belly fat, you can naturally see the six pack abs. The muscle is there, the fats are covering them up, so generally all you gotta do is lose the fats.

Exactly how do we lose the fats? Simple, just do cardiovascular activities for a certain period of time and it will naturally burn the fat off.
Note that this technique is to show more abdominal muscle definition, it does not promote muscle growth. In conclusion, we can say that in order to have visible abs, we just gotta exercise eg. cardiovascular exercises.

If you want to have stronger/bigger abs, you will have to do ab workouts. I will talk more about that next time, because even if there are lots of fats at the belly region, there's no use doing ab workout, it will not make your abs stand out.

Hope this article will help you, many more misconceptions about Health & Fitness out there to resolve.
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Monday 19 November 2012

5 successful ways to motivate yourself!

One of the hardest stage to go through when starting a new exercising program is the start. You will get less and less motivated to do your cardiovascular activities even if you try to think positive at all times. It's a normal thing, happens to many of us including me. But I've found a few handy ways to address this problem.

We need to:

1. Be in a more fitness-orientated environment
  • We humans tend to do what the majority does, this is known as the 'herd instinct'. If the people we mix with are fitness conscious people, chances are we ourselves will be too. In a way, it's motivating you move forward because you know someone is in the journey with you. The thing is, if you're trying to be active, the non-active friends around you will not understand what you're going through and they're not the ones who will push you forward. Instead, join those fitness junkies.
2. Think of long term health benefits
  • Having an active lifestyle will no doubt give you long term health benefits, it also help you reduce the impact from smoking, excessive drinking, and many other unhealthy habits that younger generations have. It's surprising how much more years you get if you start an active lifestyle!
3. Make all your decisions a 'MUST', not 'maybe'
  • Procrastination is the thief of time, it always holds us back from what we are supposed to do, but we can't let it affect our health. There is always a delay when we want to do some exercise, especially when we come back from work, or using the computer. Make this your priority, and everything else secondary, like watching TV, on the computer etc.
4. Work towards a goal
  • Set a short-term goal, write it down. It could be anything from your brother's wedding, and you want to look fabulous, or even wanting to look at your best with your bathing suit during your vacation. As long as you keep reminding yourself that, you will be sure to exercise in order to achieve it!
5. Just START
  • As crazy as it may sound, the hardest part is the start, as mentioned above. What we gotta do is really simple, just start. Because after you overcome this obstacle, you'll get the hang of it, and slowly pick up the momentum, after that is easy to move on. But after you stop, it's going to be hard again to start from sctrach. So if you after you start, it's a MUST to not stop.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

8 easy steps to lose weight

Tired of being overweight? Or just trying to cut down some fat and look fabulous, today we're going to talk about the 8 key steps to lose weight. 
Most of us can't deny the fact that delicious & mouth watering food are all around us and we all crave for them without knowing the consequences. Well it wouldn't affect you if you do it once in a blue moon, but most of us don't keep track of it, we just eat and eat. 
The cumulative effect on us is devastating, it may vary from person to person but it will affect us at some point. We also feel guilty and sinful after eating all those food, and it's going to affect our daily lives, we have mood swings, feeling lethargic, and ultimately feeling like a big loser.
All of that is going to change in a minute. I've dedicated this post to all of you, whether you have failed in losing weight before or just getting started. 
There are 3 resources that you should have, first is knowing what you want, then knowing how to do it. And lastly knowing how to be motivated through out the whole journey.

So stay with me on this.

1. set your own goal
  • the most fundamental step in losing weight is to set a certain goal, the goal will be a motivation for you to keep moving. But set goals that are realistic to you, not too high and not too low. Either way you can readjust them during the losing weight process. For instance you want to lose 10 pounds of fat in just a week, that's not realistic, on the other hand you are aiming to lose 10 pounds of fat in 8 - 10 weeks, that's a common short-term goal people have. It's better to have a long-term goal rather than a short one, or even better, make many short-term goals that you believe you can achieve, and then when you get the hang of it, go for a long-term goal.

2. track yourself

  • All you need is a pen/pencil and a piece of A4 paper (preferred), just draw a table with the days on the vertical column and weeks on the horizontal rows, record your weight everyday so that you can see whether you have a positive or negative progress. Remember, self awareness is self motivation. You will work harder to achieve better looking results.

3. be a cheerleader yourself

  • When it comes to motivation, many people actually do not have much, they just quit after so many months of hard work  Normally these people are just not mentally strong enough, they often feel inferior in the presence of someone with better physique. Be mentally strong, don't let any negative thought slip into your mind. Cheer when you have progress, don't look down on yourself & don't be too obsess about setbacks, you'll get back into the game in no time !

4. don't sabotage yourself

  • Many of us sabotage ourselves unconsciously like saying :"you'll never get there" or "only lost 1 pound in 2 weeks? just give up". Surprisingly though, all these negativity can be your motivation. When you see yourself thinking like this, rephrase or restructure the sentences to a more constructive statement, like "I may not lose as much weight as I expected, but at least I am moving on, achieving my goals". Something like that.

5. control your diet

  • This is probably the hardest part of all the process. A lot of people binge due to stress and stuff but little do they know binging is physically and mentally unhealthy. Many people also go "on" a diet and lose some pounds here and there, but what happens when they go "off" a diet, they weight will balloon and they will be from where they started. So don't go on a diet, that's not an option. Then what do you do then, simple, just eat less and exercise more! It's as easy as that. But mind that you should avoid oily food and eat more organic food stuff 

6. get company

  • It's more fun to get a partner to do your workout with, especially with your bestie. WRONG. Don't get your bestie to do cardio activities with you, get a friend who has the same goal as you, which is losing weight, and a less talkative one is preferred. You and your company will motivate and help out each other, and make it like a game, if you didn't do your workout on a certain day, then you have to be punished, so there's 1 more reason to hit the gym

7. envision your success

  • you can imagine that you have already succeeded in losing weight and how great life is now. So in order to have that feeling that you had in your imagination, you will push yourself harder to achieve it, or at least get one step closer to it. For instance, you can also imagine what food would be best to have for the meal so that you have healthier food when you dine out. Revisit these scenarios often, and think about how good you will feel about achieving your goals.

8. don't procrastinate 

  • Probably one of the biggest lies people tell is that they'll start TOMORROW, which we know it's not going to happen. As the saying goes, procrastination is the thief of time, you are just going to waste time and tell more lies if you keep doing this. So if you determined to lose weight, do it NOW! not later, not tomorrow, NOW! People tend to skip their workouts and give tons of excuses, these are all just BS, none of them are true. The next day they'll feel guilty about it, but they will keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, because they procrastinate. So learn from other people's mistakes, it's stupid to repeat other people's wrong doings. 

So there you have it, start NOW!
please email to  me  if you have any questions!

Monday 12 November 2012

Fitness Counter

Fitness Counter

Fitness Counter is a dedicated health & fitness blog. 
Health related post will be posted from time to time, viewers are able to interact with each other and share their opinion on the related topic. 
In this resource blog, we will be posting about 3 articles per week, useful tips and ways to a better and healthier lifestyle.

We are aiming to help the community to have a healthier lifestyle and prevent unwanted health diseases. 
We will also provide services such as custom workout schedule for you so that you don't have to go through the hassle of making one, plus it's free!

You will be smarter everyday by viewing our content as we will guide you to the road of success, bust myths all over the internet and motivate you in every way we can! Make sure to share it with your friends if you like us, it's also better to have a workout partner with you.
Have a nice day and stay tuned!

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Give us suggestions on what post to do next, we'll read them and see what we can do
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